Tag: Pain quotes

The first person who’s on your mind the moment you open your eyes after a long sleep is the reason of either your happiness or pain.

A nice happiness quote from None – Proverbes Happiness

We all make different choices, and we need different things. But, I think eventually we learn to define happiness for ourselves on our own terms in spite of the pain people have caused us.

A nice happiness quote from Joseph January – Proverbes Happiness

You can cheat others but you can’t cheat yourself because you will get hurt when you do it.

A nice cheating quote from

If one day you will see me smiling, that’s the moment I’ve decided to forget yesterday’s pain and embracing today’s happiness.

A nice happiness quote from Jhunna Rebusora – Proverbes Happiness

Life is like paper. Don’t make it heavy by drowning it into water of sorrow and pain. Instead make it lighter by letting it blow in the wind of joy and happiness.

A nice happiness quote from Anurag Prakash Ray – Proverbes Happiness

You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it.

A nice happiness quote from None – Proverbes Happiness

Some people look at your exterior and all they see is happiness but they don’t know that your Interior is full of sadness.

A nice happiness quote from Damian Major – Proverbes Happiness

When you greet people with joy, you’ll have shared your joy with them.

A nice happiness quote from None – Proverbes Happiness

Nobody can take away your pain, so don’t let anyone take away your happiness.

A nice happiness quote from Tinku Razoria – Proverbes Happiness