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Fear is your brains way of protecting you

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

The world is not a shitty place, it’s your perception of the world that is shitty

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

The pain of reaching your goal will only last a short whil

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

Don’t complain about ANYTHING, unless you’re prepared to do something about it

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

The two most important questions in the world are

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

If you have a goal in life and it doesn’t scare you a little, then it’s not a big enough goal

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

Sometimes it’s better to go against the crowd and feel alone

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

Dreams are not realised in the shadows of self doubt.

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

You shouldn’t live your life according to someone else’s expectations

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

Your thoughts are building your future reality; the question is what are you thinking today?

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

Sometimes we are so afraid of change that we miss amazing opportunities that the universe has sent us….

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

A caterpillar must endure a season of isolation before it turns into a butterfly. Embrace the time you have alone, it will only make you stronger.

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

If you always play the victim you’ll always be the victim.

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

The past is a gift that should not be unwrapped in the present.

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

You amount of love you receive is directly proportional to how much you love yourself.

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

It takes a strong person to do their own thing and not wait for anybody else to validate their existence.

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

Something remarkable happens when you truly stop seeking other peoples approval, you automatically gain it, and find that others will then seek your approval.

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison

The lowest points in our life teaches us to reach our higher self

A nice motivational quote from Steven Aitchison