Tag: pastor-john-paul-warren

Cada persona tendrá su propia lista, su propio pedazo del país colgado del corazón. Una lista larga, rica colorida, voluptuosa, fragante. Una lista con la cual contener el pesimismo; una vacuna contra la desilusión. Una lista de lo mejor de México. Una li

A nice motivational quote from Denise Dresser

Like everything in life, it is not what happens to you but how you respond to it that counts.

A nice motivational quote from Steve Backley

Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.

A nice motivational quote from Napoleon Hill

Gone are the days when 19-inch biceps would once command respect. A Jedi doesn’t walk around with their arms flexed and with a thousand yard stare in their eyes. They walk with a good posture, their head held high and with a serious, yet friendly, look on

A nice motivational quote from Stephen Richards

What we perceive about ourselves is greatly a reflection of how we will end up living our lives.

A nice motivational quote from Stephen Richards

Nothing that happens to you was meant to be. The only thing about you that was meant to be is you. Blaze your own trail.

A nice motivational quote from George Alexiou

When something poses as obstacle to you,surmount it and use it as a miracle to move on to greater height.

A nice motivational quote from Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Uncertainty will always be part of the taking charge process.

A nice motivational quote from Harold Geneen

You be as angry as you need to be,” she said. “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Not your grandma, not your dad, no one. And if you need to break things, then by God, you break them good and hard.

A nice motivational quote from Patrick Ness

It’s not always what we don’t know that gets in our way; sometimes it’s what we think we know that keeps us from learning.

A nice motivational quote from Steve Maraboli

You cannot continue on the same path and arrive at a different destination. Make the choice to have your actions reflect your goals.

A nice motivational quote from Steve Maraboli