Tag: Giving quotes

The good thing in giving and loving too much is getting tired yet satisfied with a big smile on your face.

A nice happiness quote from Clarence Claude – Proverbes Happiness

Happiness is when you want nothing and you want to give. Where the wanting and desires end and the sharing begins, happiness is there.

A nice happiness quote from None – Proverbes Happiness

Happiness is a misaddressed emotion. When you seek it for yourself, it cannot be found. But when you give it to others, it’ll find it’s way back to you!

A nice happiness quote from Vikas Runwal – Proverbes Happiness

True happiness will come when accepting the bad that has happened to you, deeply forgiving and releasing yourself from that agony by moving forward. Then you will know what true happiness feels like.

A nice happiness quote from Jeneane Oliver – Proverbes Happiness

Happiness cannot be found when you seek it for yourself but when you give it to others, It will find it’s way back to you. That’s the mystery of happiness it grows when shared.

A nice happiness quote from None – Proverbes Happiness

I don’t care how much I give to make others happy. It makes me happy too.

A nice happiness quote from Terry Mark – Proverbes Happiness

True happiness comes from the effort of making others happy. Give and share your love every day.

A nice happiness quote from Tinku Razoria – Proverbes Happiness

A pessimist sees the glass as half empty, the optimist sees it as half full, and to the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be

A nice happiness quote from Tom Krause – Proverbes Happiness